I'm a published author of an adult oriented vampire novel. The title is: Issla, A Vampire Living In The 21st Century. Book located at: amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com or at publisher's website at: http://bit.ly/isslavampire. I spend a lot of my time on the internet promoting and making new friends. my screenname is gaeDarkwriter and you can email me at: gaedarkwriter@gmail.com or gaendless@hotmail.com. I'm a retired Investigator with over 30 years experience in Corporate - Business litigation, Criminal, family law and fraud cases of all kinds. I'm still licensed and take criminal Homicide and Fraud Cases from those that can afford my fee. I started writing professionally 3 years ago. I'm currently in editing on the sequel novel to Issla, "Investments In Blood" with my publisher: Silver Publishing and have a Sci-fi novel almost completed and ready for editing.
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